Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Spiritual Eyes

Day-38-Sun.30/4/14- it is 5:12 in the morning and we have looking forward to this moment and time, it was a date like this seventy five years ago. The woman that nurtured us [Tomas Sanchez / Lúbara Huya] in her womb was born and she is now seventy five years today. She is My Mary and My Mother at the same time, today we are feeling so blessed as we speak, blessed for being here and now.

For the most part, the world at large is concern about the events that are unfolded in front of our eyes. In this case, some of the events that are unfolding in front of our eyes are not designed for the physical eyes to see.

On the other hand, there is a “Spiritual Eye” that we believe can look into the future of People like Donald Trump, President of the United States, Jimmy Morales, President of Guatemala and Miguel Rax, Mayor of La Buga just to name a few. We have been telling friends around the world, in more than one hundred nations   that we are so blessed as a Garifuna Nation.

We are talking about a “Nation” that knows no boundaries; it has been our Spiritual Eyes that have guided us through some of the roughest storms in America even before the arrival of Columbus.
From our point of view, as a part of the Garifuna Nation in Guatemala we would like to give a public thanks to the actual Ambassador of the United States Todd Robinson for his intervention in our affairs. In this case, it has a direct relationship with the events that are unfolding in Guatemala; therefore we will keep an open eye on the events as they unfold for the next 99 days in La Buga, Guatemala.

The mahogany Tree that was chosen to pay tribute and honor to Dr. King on the 4th April 2017 is looking good and healthy. It was forty nine years after the assassination of Dr. King in 1968 that has brought you [Ambassador Todd Robinson] to La Buga Guatemala exactly two years ago today. He wants you to know that he is keeping an open eye on you.

Day-40-Tues.2/5/17-It is 6:35 in the morning and was doing a little reading about The Black Star Line on the internet. Brother Leo from Punta Gorda has been instrumental in the events that are unfolding in front of eyes.

Today, Tuesday 2nd May 2017 is Day-40- on our calendar and the next Day-40 will fall on Sunday 11th June 2017, but between now and 21st July 2017; other “words”, the next fifty days will be like being at sea with no land in sight and limited supplies on board.    

Lately we have been sharing with our readers about the event that unfolded in front of our eyes in the state of California at Loyola University in July 1992. It was then that a group of Garifunas from La Buga, Guatemala got on board a ship that is about to make an emergency landing  in Gangadiwali  sometime around the third week of July 2017.

As we approach twenty five years of wondering around at sea, the time has come for us to make an emergency landing. The piece of art that Brother Leo from Punta Gorda, Belize is working on as we speak is a clear sign for us to find out know who are still on board the ship hopefully when it lands in Gangadiwali, La Buga, Guatemala during the month of July 2017 twenty five years later.   

It is vital for us to inform our readers that we are speaking of a Spiritual Journey that continues today. From our point of view, we are sharing with the readers an interpretation of what the Spiritual Eyes can see.


Lúbara Huya   

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