Friday, July 20, 2018

Unfolding: Part 2

Day-1-Tuesday-17/7/18-It is now 3:50 in the morning and has been thinking about an event that will unfold in front of our eyes tomorrow. Tomorrow will be one hundred years since Nelson Mandela was born and here we are thinking about what Gangadiwali will be one hundred years from tomorrow.

Garifuna Heritage Park in Gangadiwali, Labuga Livingston will celebrate and honor the birth date of Rolihlahla which is his birth name, which means trouble maker in the English language. In this case we have been nurturing a Mahogany Tree for the past year for a moment like the one we are expecting tomorrow. Tomorrow will be history in the making at Gangadiwali that our readers and the world should know about.

On the other hand yesterday was Day-40 and we were in Gangadiwali on a “Spiritual Mission” and came to the conclusion that our struggle continues, for example we have been having problems with the electrical companies in Labuga Livingston Guatemala for more than twenty years and we have not manage to find a solution for the expensive and meager service the company is providing us, sometimes leaving the communities without electric energy for days in a row.

There is a Town Board meeting scheduled for today at 10:00 in the morning and we are planning to attend. We hope to attend our second meeting regarding our problems with the electrical company at the head-quarters of the actual Mayor of Labuga Livingston and would like to informed our readers, the world at large and our mayor and the electrical company that according to the declaration of the United Nations in relations to our human rights as an indigenous group, is being violated and we are ready to look for a permanent solutions.

In a previous meeting with the Town Board members, at the head quarters of the mayor we managed to mention that “We” the Garifuna Nation in Guatemala would like to continue the process of a friendship and cooperation relationship with the neighboring country of Belize that we began at the mayor’s office on 21st June 2018 and would like to investigate the possibilities of getting our electrical service from Belize.

Day-4-Fri. 20/7/19-It is now 7:14 in the morning and have been thinking about some of the events that are unfold in front of our eyes because we just got through reading Unfolding, it was a message that was revealed to us on the 24th July 2012, it this case if our readers and the world would like to take a deeper look, you are more than welcome to visit our blog-garifunareality     

Another document that unfolded in front of our eyes this morning, is a document that we have had in our hands since the 8th July 2008 and have had the opportunity to put it in the hands of our actual Mayor Miguel Rax twice in ten years and now we are looking forward to the third time which will fall on Day-8- Tuesday 24th July 2018. In this case, our readers and the world will be our witness to the “truth.”

Before we continue we would like our readers and the world to understand that the events that are unfolding in front of our eyes are not designed for the naked eyes to see, if we had seen this coming ten years ago, things would have been different today, but be that as it may, we are here today to thank you, for being here to “see” for yourself.

Lúbara Huya                        

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