Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Spiritual Seed

Day-10- Fri.-23/11/18- It is now 2:30 in the morning and has been thinking about some of the events that has unfolded in front of our eyes for the past five days. Therefore, for the past five days, we have been thinking about a moment like this, you see, we have been wondering about how to connect this moment with a historic event that will come to past in the next three days.

But for this to make sense we would like to share the following attachment with our readers and the world at large. But before you open this document, we want to give thanks and praise for the intervention of the Áharis, in this case, Brother Salvador Suazo.

Day-12- Sun.25/11/18-It is now 6:00 in the morning and has been thinking about some of the events that unfolded in front of our eyes during the past couple days, the 23rd November 2018 will be A Day that our Spiritual Leader, Marcos Sanchez Diaz had set aside for us to remember him and what he stood for. His Spirit was able to lead us to a place where you can feel him, touch him and drink him. On the other hand, we were able to visit the cave in Gangadiwali Labuga Livingston Guatemala for a Garifuna Ritual, and it gave us a new meaning to the term Sacred Places.

The high light of our day yesterday, November 24, 2018 was to meet with Brother Sébastien and his guest, he is back to Labuga after seven months and five days to continue the struggle with us, it has been a struggle with the present administration of the Municipality of Livingston Guatemala since the 1st of December 2016, and continues today.

Today however, will be our day to set the seed, A Seed that is more than two hundred and twenty-one years old. The Garifuna Nation has managed to sustain friendly relationships with the brothers and sisters in the Caribbean and France, way before April 12, 1797, and we would like our readers and the world at large to know that the relationship continues today.

Day-14-Tues.27/11/18-It is now 6:12 in the morning and has been thinking about some of the events that has unfolded in front of our eyes during the past twenty four hours, therefore the “seed” that was set in Labuga Livingston Guatemala on the 25th November 2018 is now two days old, our relationship as a Nation with the embassy of France in Guatemala is now in the form of a Spiritual Seed and it is on its way to the country of Belize. 
The embassy of France in Guatemala will also have an embassy in the country of Belize sometime in the near future and we would like to share with our readers and world at large that we have started cultivating the seed. A Spiritual Seed, in this case is not an easy concept to grasp, but if we can see any thought in the form of a seed then we are on the right track. A “thought” can be seen in the form of a Seed. A Spiritual Seed in this context is related with a Spiritual Journey that began in the State of California at the University of Loyola during the 4th July celebration in 1992 and continues today. 


Au le
Lúbara Huya

1 comment:

Dr. Michelle Forbes said...

Here is another link for information about Marco Sanchez Diaz, published in 2009: