Saturday, September 24, 2016

Political Faith, Part II

Day-15- Mon. 19/9/16- It is 6:45 in the morning and coming to terms that yesterday was nine months since the Ancestors of Tomorrow were in Gangadiwali. It was nine months yesterday since we were able to share our story with a brother who happens to be a Jew.  We told him then and today we would like to continue to believe that we are also a chosen People, we the Garifuna Nation are the Jews of the Caribbean.

The number nine also has a spiritual meaning in our Spirituality. What makes sense to us in this case is the number nine. In most cases, it takes a human being nine months before its birth. In our Garifuna culture it takes nine days for the spirit of the dead to move on. If we multiply nine times forty it is three hundred and sixty, which is a complete cycle.

We are looking forward towards tomorrow which is Day- 16 on our calendar; however the day that will make a difference is Day- 17 which will fall on Wednesday 21st September 2016.

Day-16- Tues. 20/9/16- It is 6:12 in the morning and just got through an experience that could set the stage for the retreat we are planning for today in Gangadiwali. The concept of a retreat in Gangadiwali today has been in the making for fifty four years.

But before we leave to Gangadiwali this morning, we would like to give Thanks and Praise in Advance to the Most High along with the Spirits of the Trouble Makers and the Ancestors of Tomorrow for their interventions in our affairs.

In this case, The Thanks In Advance concept is about accepting the outcome.  The outcome of today and tomorrow in many cases is not under our control and therefore it is like taking a leap of faith.
Day-19- Fri- 23/9/16- It is 4:08 in the morning and it has been raining for the most part of the night. In this case, we would like to share with you some of the events that have been unfolding in front of our eyes for the past three days.

A group of us, numbering ten, were in at Gangadiwali for a retreat on the 20th September 2016, in this case everyone agreed that it was a positive experience and would like to continue sharing occasions and experiences like that.

In this case, it was a retreat for us because of the nature of the celebration. To begin with, we were in Gangadiwali to be with the Ancestors of Tomorrow and the Spirits of the Trouble Makers.

The concept of Ancestors of Tomorrow was revealed to us on the 18th December 2015 in Gangadiwali. Since then we have remained consistent with the idea that it is a concept that starts from within.  It is a way of life.  In this case, we know where we came from and we know where we are going.

The concept of Trouble Makers are Spirits [Ancestors] that have lived their lives with examples. Madiba [Nelson Mandela] is an example of a Trouble Maker; Jesus Christ is a very good example of a Trouble Maker. Our example of a Trouble Maker for the Garifuna Nation in Guatemala is Marcos Sanchez Diaz.

On the other hand, yesterday will remain a part of a journey that was revealed by William T. Brigham-The Land of the Quetzal “The Government determined to develop these lands,-which have hitherto been left to the solitude of their forests and the occasional intrusion of the mahogany- cutter- and in 1882 declared Livingston a free port including in its territory a large triangular part of the eastern coast”.

We were in a meeting with the town leaders of La Buga yesterday at the head-quarters of ONEGUA. We told them to keep three dates in mind during the present administration- to begin with 1882, August 31st 2016 and the 22nd September 2016.

It is a journey that has taken one hundred and thirty four years and continues today. The concept that La Buga is a Free Port is like a double edge sword, be that as it may, we would like to world to know that Marcos Sanchez Diaz is still around and he is with us.

Au- Le
Lúbara Huya 

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