Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are you chosen?

It is Sunday May 23rd 2010, after analyzing the message in the previous paragraph I realized that it has been two weeks since I had one of the most revealing experiences of my life. It began with an invitation from Fermin Arzu to participate in a spiritual reunion at the Garifuna temple here in Labuga, about an hour or so from the main town. I was honored to be in the presence of some Garifuna brothers that are searching for answers to some of the oldest questions ever asked by mankind.

It was a privilege in my case to have been in the company of brothers that were aware of their mission. I was in the presence of Garifuna brothers who are destined for greatness. I would like emphasize with clarity that what I am sharing with you here is my observation through the eyes of a Garifuna.

As I can see by looking around me, much work is left to be done, unless of course, I am satisfied with what is going on. Just a few weeks ago, I was reading a manuscript that I wrote over four years ago, that says in so many words “Thirty five years might sound like a lot for the generation of the twenty first century, because for the most part we are living on the fast lane." However this is what I have learned over the years. I cannot change the fact that I am a Garifuna therefore I will embrace it.

You see, I was first exposed to formal education in Dangriga, Belize at Scared Hearth School in 1969. Years later in 2005, I met Roy Cayetano, Augustine Flores and Andy Palacio, at a workshop with UNESCO here in Labuga. Therefore, here I am almost forty years later, writing about Garifuna brothers that are on a mission towards greatness, when most people (Garinagu) today are satisfied with a world in which differences -- not similarities -- are honored, and disagreements are settled by conflict.

Today most people are satisfied with a world in which survival is for the fittest, might is right, competition is required, and winning is called the highest good. Today most people define “wrong” as that which is different from them. Religious differences in particular are not tolerated, nor are many social, economic, or cultural differences.

If you are looking at what is going on today in the world and have taken time to do some self-searching, but for some reason beyond your understanding, a powerful energy tells you that what is going on is against your nature at this point a conversation with God has begun.

This can happen with any person on the planet, therefore I am saying it can happen to you. However, it can go beyond the individual; it can happen to “a group”. Group consciousness is something that in not widely understood yet it is extremely powerful and can, if you are careful, often overcome individual consciousness.

I first saw Roy Cayetano in Los Angeles in 1992 at a Garifuna workshop. Fermin Arzu and Bencho were also there. If I am not mistaken, it will be twenty years this July since this connection came together. I was also able to connect with Jerris Valentine who was my Vice Principal at Sacred Heart School in the late sixties during another workshop here at the Garifuna temple in March of this year. Now that I am taking a good look, I can share with you some of the details about how my conversation with God is going. But before I do, I think it is important for me to let you know that I am the only one responsible for anything that you may not agree with. I do not impose my beliefs on anyone, not even my own children. It is also important to let you know that I am not alone, it would be impossible without you because I do believe that we are all one. Now if you do not understand this, you have all the right to stop and put everything away.

If you have come this far, here is a message he is sharing with us: “Who you are, is a being of higher consciousness than you are now exhibiting. Because it is my will (GOD’S) that you should know, and experience, who you all are, I allow you to draw to yourself whatever event or experience you choose to create in order to do that.

Other players in the universal game join you from time to time, either as brief encounters, peripheral participants, temporary teammates, long term inter-actors, relatives, family, dearly loves ones or life-path partners.

These souls are drawn to you by you. You are drawn to them by them. It is a mutually creative experience expressing the choice and desires of both. No one comes to you by accident. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing occurs at random. Life is not a product of chance.

Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you for your own purposes. Larger planetary experience and developments are the result of group consciousness. They are drawn to your group as a whole as a result of the choices and desires of the group as a whole.

If you are in a group whose consciousness does not reflect your own and you are unable at this time to effectively alter the group consciousness, it is wise to leave the group, or the group could lead you. It will go where it wants to go, regardless of where you want to go.

Lubara Huy


Anonymous said...

Hi Tomas,

I just came across your blog, and it's absolutely wonderful. I'm an anthropologist and writer from New York who originally came to Guatemala to work in women's health in the Western highlands, but Agatha and a strange set of events have lead me to Livingston to continue writing and assist with a film. I'd love to get involved in some community projects around Livingston. Can you point me towards some people or projects, especially having to do with health, that could maybe use a volunteer for a few months?

Jordan Levinson

Anonymous said...

It is a pleasure to hear from you, allow me some time to find out and I will get back with you.

Joe said...

No accidents indeed... I want to make a trip to Labuga sometime. I want to better connect with my Garifuna Spirituality. Your blog posts are inspiring me to do so.