Monday, November 29, 2010

Image Control (Step One)

First Step

I do not claim to the readers that this is the “Truth”. This message is about guiding you to your own innermost wisdom. Today is November 29, 2010, and it’s been a couple days since we celebrated Garifuna Day here in Labuga. For the most part most things are back to normal, and therefore I would like to continue with the subject of “Image Control”.

Here is an excerpt I would like to share with you from the previous article. Forty seven years later, I would like to borrow this statement from Dick Gregory’s speech and improvise a little by saying it this way: “One of the greatest problems the Garinagu have in America today is that we have never been able to control our ‘Image’”.

Please try to remember that this is a message that should guide you to your innermost wisdom regardless of sex, race or religion. What I am hoping to do here is to put all the cards on the table per say, however, the choice is yours if you want to play.

I am talking about “Image Control”. In the previous article the fundamental question is, what “image” am I talking about? The answer however should be the same now, then and forever.

Let’s take a second look at this question, what “image” am I talking about? Here is something that caught my attention from, “Are You Chosen” an article I wrote on the 23rd May of this year, it goes like this “I can share with you some of the details about how my conversation with God is going. But before I do, I think it is important for me, to let you know, that I am the only one responsible for anything that you may not agree with. I do not impose my beliefs on anyone, not even my own children. It is also important to let you know, that I am not alone, it would be impossible without you, because I do believe that we are all one, now if you do not understand this, you have all the right to stop and put everything away.

If you are looking at what is going on today in our communities , and have taken time to do some self-searching, but for some reason beyond your understanding, a powerful energy tells you, that what is going on, is against your nature, at this point a conversation with God has begun.

This can happen with any person on the planet, therefore I am saying it can happen to you, however; it can go beyond the individual, it can happen to “a group”. Group consciousness is something that is not widely understood, yet it is extremely powerful and can, if you are careful, often overcome individual consciousness.

Second Step coming soon!

Lubara Huya

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