Monday, July 9, 2012

Now is the Time

Can something happen when it is not supposed to?

This is a question I would like to ask you before I continue. Lately, to be exact I came across a piece of fusel that caught my attention on the 23rd March 2012.  Today, July 8th 2012, the other piece I found came with this particular question: can something happen when it is not supposed to?

The 23rd July 2008, is another date that shows another connection to the point I would like to make, because it had been 40 years since I had not returned to Gangadiwali. The last time before was in 1969, at the time I was eight years old -- the same age my son Imenigi is now.  I have been sharing my journey with you and now I am reaching out to you.

I have been a part of the Garífuna struggle here in Guatemala for the past ten years. The 21st February 2010 Garífuna Reality, our blog was born. It was born out of the idea that I am a Garífuna in Guatemala who would like to make a difference. Now the question remains, can something happen when it is not supposed to? I am bringing up this question, because I would like to provoke your curiosity.

I would like to provoke the curiosity of the Garífuna People as far as subjects that are related with our reality as a Garífuna Nation. In this case, I have mentioned before, the intervention of an oil company in Gangadiwali. I have also mentioned the interest that Microsoft has for the Garífuna language and something that is happening with the cooperation of Spain.

Now is the time or forever remain in shame.

Lubara Huya 

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