Sunday, June 10, 2012

Be careful what you wish for

Reminiscing about the events that are unfolding in front of my eyes here in Labuga has brought my understanding to a new level.  A level of understanding that has brought me to this point.  Be careful what you wish for because you might not be ready to handle it. This particular phrase reminds me about the story of the life of one of Jesus disciples: This guy would chop your ears off, if you F…. with him. He is one of the guys who can walk on water, yet because he doesn’t believe it, he started sinking again. You now have an idea who this guy could be, however when you take a journey inside you can also find a Peter in You.

In this case a few of us were in Guatemala City sometime in the month of February of this year with a political agenda. This agenda includes a petition from the Garífuna people to Otto Perez Molina, the current president of the Republic of Guatemala.

A few days ago two representatives of the the Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID) were here in Labuga to evaluate a project for the Garífuna community that began in the month of November 2011. I am putting this together in this way because the visit we made to the city is a product of the project that ONEGUA now has with AECID.

Towards the end of May 2012, a representative of Microsoft and I had a breakfast meeting, where he explained to me about the proposal that Microsoft would like to offer the Garífuna people of Guatemala.  Last but not least, an oil company has a direct line in Gangadiwali -- a private property that belongs to a Garífuna family.

Today the Garífuna people could be in the eyes of opportunities.  In this case I alarmed by the reaction of the opposition, because I am not sure any more what they are wishing for.  I am concerned, because if we are not mature enough as a People, the outcome can work against us as a People.  

Lubara Huya.

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