Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Mon. 18/5/15- It is 8:31 in morning and just got through reading this message from The Long Walk to Freedom, the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. “I wondered- not for the first time-whether one was ever justified in neglecting the welfare of one’s own family in order to fight for the welfare of others.  Can there be anything more important than looking after one’s own mother? Is politics merely a pretext for shirking one’s responsibility, an excuse for not being able to provide in the way one wanted?  pg 181.

By the way, the word that caught my attention this morning is wondered.

The wondering we have been doing recently has now come to past and now we are beginning a new cycle. Whether one was ever justified in neglecting the welfare of one’s own family in order to fight for the welfare of others?  Is a question that so many of us will have to deal with?

Can there be anything more important than looking after one’s own family? In this case, we were provoked by this question; where should we begin with a question of this nature?

It is exactly a year ago yesterday since we were asked in an interview at the headquarters of ONEGUA. The question was what does Yurumain means to the Garifuna People.

It has been 366 days since we shared this message with you “Sat. 17/5/14- It is 4:51 in the morning and I am thinking about an “interview” I had yesterday; due to the nature of a question I was asked. What does Yurumain means to the Garifuna People? My reaction to his question was to let him know that I respect how my brothers and sisters relate to questions like this. I told him that from my point of view, Yurumain is a link with the past, present and the future.

Here we are today; In this case, it should be clear that it is not about me, the struggle has never been about the singular, it has always been about us as a family, about us as brothers and sisters, about us as a people.

Au Le

Lúbara Huya

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