Saturday, February 20, 2016


Day- 1 Thurs. 18/2/16- it is 4:54 in the morning and we are thinking about being in Gangadiwali sometime this morning, but before we leave we are thinking about building another fire and during our ritual with the Ancestors of Tomorrow we would like to keep in mind the influence of the common good.

We are beginning Day-1 today and we will end Day- 40 the same way, the Common Good should prevail under any circumstance. During the next thirty nine days we will take it one day at a time.  In this case now we can look back at what took place in La Buga yesterday. Now it should about what we would like to happen during the next thirty nine days.

Just for the record it is now 5:14 in the morning and it is raining, one can just imagine how a farmer feels when it has not rain in a long time.

Day- 2- Fri 19/2/16- It is 5:14 in the morning and realized that today was a day set aside twenty five years ago. It was when we asked the Most High one of the questions that have been asked by many of the great leaders of the time. In this case, the question still prevails today.

What do I do now?

First and foremost we want to give thanks and praise to the Most High and the Spirits of the Trouble Makers for their intervention in our affairs. We want to thank them for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Yesterday was day- 1 and we had a mystical time in Gangadiwali, it was thirty six years ago when we first touched the soil of Los Angeles California and yes indeed; it was another world.  Being in Gangadiwali thirty six years later can only be described as mystical.

Áhari in this case plays the role of the Mysticism that is taking place in the Garifuna Nation and Gangadiwali today. Today is day-2 and tomorrow will be day-3 and day forty will be on Tuesday 29th 2016.

Today is about now, and we have come to the conclusion that tomorrow will also be about now. In this case yesterday is also a part of now and now we can put everything we are into now.

A calendar is an instrument to mark a Time and Place. We have been using one of the oldest philosophies in the world that says there is a Time and Place for everything.

Day- 5 will be Sunday - 21st February 2016 and Garifuna Reality our blog will be six years old. Therefore the 9th March 2016 will be six years since a branch of the United Nations asked the Garifuna People of Guatemala a question we have not yet answered.

What is the Priority of the Garifuna People of Guatemala?  If we take a good look at the present, which is today, we have twenty one days before a date that is already set aside.

Au- Le

Lúbara Huya

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