Thursday, May 3, 2018

Expectations Of The Future

Day-33-Fri.20/4/18-It is now 5:57 in the morning and have been thinking about some the events that unfolded in front of our eyes yesterday, in this case we were able to share a message with our readers and the world we believe was right for the occasion, an occasion that is taking place for the first time in the history of Labuga Livingston. We said in so many words that there are two dates that we should never forget, the 1stDecember 2016 and the 19th April 2018. Yesterday was the second visit of Dr. Sébastien Perrot, honorable consul of Guatemala in Martinique to Labuga Livingston from the 19th April -22nd April 2018. A meeting was scheduled for eleven in the morning and from our point of view the meeting began on time and for the most part exceeded the expectations of the participants.

In conclusion, the role that the actual mayor of Labuga is playing has allowed us to shake hands with him; we would like our readers to know that it was not the first time we shook hands with our Mayor Miguel Rax, because we have shaken hands in Esquipulas in front of the image of the Cristo Negro on the 6th January 2018. However yesterday; was like the first time we did something that we believe will make a big difference.

Day-39-Thurs.-26/4/18-It is now 6:16 in the morning and has been thinking about some of the events that unfolded in front of our eyes during the past week. It has been an experience that will take us into the next dimension of our Spiritual Journey through the eyes of the Ancestors of TomorrowTomorrow April 27th 2018 is Day-40 and the next twenty four hours will give birth to a future that is combined with the present. We are thinking about the message that we would like to share with our readers and the board members of the COMUDE today on the second floor of the Muni in Labuga Livingston sometime after nine this morning.

In this case, we would like to thank the Mayor of Labuga Livingston Miguel Rax for exceeding our expectations, in regards to the visit of Dr. Sébastien Perrot, honorable consul of Guatemala in Martinique to Labuga Livingston from the 19th April 2018 -22nd April 2018.

Lúbara Huya  
Day-40-Fri-27/4/18-It is now 6:05 in the morning and getting ready to be on Diriwana’s Table to analyze some of the events that are unfolding in front of eyes as we speak, it has been raining with some thunder in the background and just got through speaking on the phone with Brother Fermin about being in Gangadiwali as soon as possible.

Day-1-Sat.28/4/18-It is now 5:45 in the morning and has been thinking about some the events that unfolded in front of our eyes yesterday. Yesterday was Day-40 on our calendar and the next Day- 40 will fall on Wednesday June 6th 2018, between now and then has given birth to Expectations of the Future. We were on Diriwana’s Table yesterday to share the same message with the Áharis.

In this case, our relationship with the Áharis is a direct result of the message we are sharing with our readers and the world at large. Expectations of the Future is going to be a about a Spiritual Journey from the eyes of the Ancestors of Tomorrow. From our point of view, we are the Ancestors of Tomorrow and our future depends very much on our expectations.

Day-2-29/4/18-It is now 4:14 in the morning and has been watching some of the images of the events that have unfolded in front of our eyes for the past ten days. The past ten days has been some of the most profound experience we[Lúbara Huya/Tomas Sanchez]  have had in many years and we would like our readers and the world to know that [Cynda/ Catalina Sandoval] was chosen with the womb that has made this a reality.

This wonder woman was born on April 30th 1942 and she will be celebrating another year tomorrow and therefore we hope to be in Gangadiwali to be with Cynda. It has been a tradition among the Garifuna Nation to use nicknames on each other and sometimes one can live an entire lifetime without knowing the other person’s real name.

Today we would like to share with our readers and the world that we hope to be at the Garifuna Heritage Park in Gangadiwali Labuga to be with Cynda. Cynda is the name of a Mahogany Tree that was transplanted a year ago tomorrow to honor the womb that gave birth to Lúbara Huya/Tomas Sanchez]

Day-4-Tues.1/5/18/-It is now 4:44 in the morning and have thinking about some the events that unfolded in front of our eyes yesterday. Yesterday will go done in the history of Guatemala for many years to come. The Spirit of Álvaro Enrique Arzú Irigoyen is now in Gangadiwali Labuga in the form of a Tree. This particular “Tree” is a symbol of “Peace” at the Garifuna Heritage Park in Gangadiwali for the Garifuna Nation. The Peace Treaty that was signed by Mr. Álvaro Arzú in Guatemala in the year 1996 is in the roots of this particular “Tree” at the Garifuna Heritage Park in Gangadiwali, Labuga Livingston Guatemala.

The Garifuna Nation in Guatemala would like to extend their condolence from the bottom of their hearts to your family and the families he has touched over the years for the past twenty years. The Peace Treaty of Guatemala is now a part of our everyday lives.

Day-6-Thurs.3/5/18-It is now 3:44 in the morning and has been thinking about some of the events that has unfolded in front of our eyes during the past thirteen days. We have been thinking about a moment like this, in this case, we would like to give thanks and praise to the Most High and the Ancestors of Tomorrow for their interventions in our affairs. We would like for our readers and the world to know that each and every one of us is an Ancestor of Tomorrow.

On the other hand tomorrow will be a month since we first heard from Dr. Sébastien Perrot, honorable consul of Guatemala in Martinique about his visit to Labuga Livingston from the 19th April -22nd April 2018. In this case, we would like our readers and the world to know that we are back on the cyber networks.

It has been difficult to reach this time and point on our Spiritual Journey. We have been documenting about a Spiritual Journey that started at the University of Loyola in Los Angeles, California during the 4th July 1992. The past twenty five years has been like training for a moment like this. We have learned over the years that training your expectations for the future is not an easy task.

To be continued.

Lúbara Huya     

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