Monday, January 31, 2011

Marcos Sanchez Diaz lives on

It was about 4:50am on a Monday morning that I was reminiscing about the activities that we had at the Temple last night, when I came across this particular excerpt from something I wrote almost a year ago:
 “This act of destiny and fate came together on September 21, 1961. I was born in Livingston (Labuga in the Garífuna language), Guatemala. The town of Labuga is located in the north-eastern lowlands of Guatemala. It is the administrative headquarters of the municipality of Livingston that is a part of the department of Izabal. On the north-eastern or Atlantic side, the town is surrounded by the bay of Amatique and the Caribbean Sea. When the weather is clear you can see with the naked eyes parts of the coast of Honduras and Belize. The south side of the town overlooks the mouth of Rio Dulce which, as the name already suggests, is a fresh water river, that if you follow it, it will take you inland to Lake  Izabal. On the west side the town is surrounded by the dense forest. Livingston, Guatemala represents a tiny portion of the great cultural diversity due to a fascinating history and how four different ethnic groups have managed to merge together. It is a belief among us, the Garifuna people of Guatemala  that in 1802 a group of Garinagu (plural for Garífuna) led by Marcos Sanchez Diaz  settled on the shores of what is called today Labuga.
Ever since I became aware of my senses, I had a notion that life was not at all about peaches and cream.  I have not yet put all the pieces together, because over the years I have also learned that life has its dab of mysteries. The term mystery came to mind because; for some reason, men have not yet figured out all the answers to the questions that we can begin with why”.
I am making an official announcement that Marcos Sanchez Diaz has manifested himself to me, through this particular way. I believe that he is the source of all my writings. 


emy said...

wow..i like your blog

Luany Gotay said...

I would love to speak to you about your experiences.

Anonymous said...

Very nice.