Friday, September 6, 2013

Labuga in the Spotlight

Fri. 6/9/13- It is 4:57 in the morning and just got through analyzing something I wrote yesterday. I said something to the extent, “as decision makers” we have to put a “value” on the words we are saying. About three hours later, I received a feedback from that Dr. Jo, which goes like this “Tomas: Buiti binafi namule. I always read your notes and always find your reflections interesting. Through them I am better able to appreciate what the Garífuna Nation really means.

In this case, first and foremost I want to thank Dr. Jo in advance for his kindness. Your response has been like a light at the end of the tunnel when I analyze these particular words, “…Through them I am better able to appreciate what the Garífuna Nation really means.

Speaking of putting a value on the words we are saying, this action does not produce results.   From our point of view, it is the actions that transforms. I was able to say something in writing to President Otto Pérez Molina the day after I saw the copy of a television program on August 13, 2013, when the current president of Guatemala asked Carlos Caballeros about the “feelings” of the Garífuna People.

I had mentioned the sacrifice that Nelson Mandela made for his people and today I am very happy to know that he is back at his home. The world was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington not long ago. The sacrifice that Martin Luther King made fifty years ago for his people has begun to produce results. But it is something that J. F. Kennedy said that I would like to put “some value” on this morning but with a little twist; “it is not about what the Garífuna Nation can do for us, it is about what we can do for our Nation today”.

We are expecting a visit from two different institutions today. The five commissioners of CODISRA will be here in Labuga at ten in the morning to speak with the different Garífuna entities regarding the work the institution is doing in our region. Carlos Caballeros is the gentleman who is representing the Garífuna Nation under these circumstances and we would hope to see the fruits of his sacrifice in the future.

On the other hand, the authorities of INGUAT should be in Labuga at 10:30 am to define final detail in regards to a tourism project that was approved not long ago.   In this case, Carlos Caballeros was present during the dialogue we had on September 4, 2013 with the adviser of the president about the visit of INGUAT to Labuga today.

My question: is it a coincidence that two institutions are here today?

To be continued..
Au- Le

Lúbara Huya          

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