Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dead End: Part II

Wed. 4/3/14 It is 6:08 in the morning and just got through thinking about what I read regarding the life of Madiba last night. This was in the eighties while he was negotiating for his freedom.  The concept that caught my attention this morning is “freedom”.  Am I a “free” man today?

In this case, my actions will speak for themselves; your actions can tell the world whether you are a free man or not. On the other hand the decisions that one makes tells us whether he is a free man or not.

For example, freedom of speech is an ideology I would like to embrace in a “time” like this. I hope to be in a meeting today sometime before noon at the head-quarters of ONEGUA.  I was in a meeting where the current governor of the region Izabal, Raul Estradam came to Labuga with his team to do something about the climate of insecurity here at our home town.  He came because he said two weeks ago that Livingston is in his veins.  To give you an idea, it was one day later that a group of Garífuna teenagers conspired to steal nine of my chickens.  Since then, they have managed to terrorize the community. Tomorrow there is a good possibility that a representative from the Board of Tourism, along with the adviser of the current president, are scheduled to be in Livingston to speak with members of Parlamento Garífuna and the Board of Directors of ONEGUA.

The dialogue with this particular government, from my point of view, has come to a Dead End. I have decided to take a break at this precise moment 6:51 in the morning because it started raining like the sky was coming down.


Lúbara Huya            

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