Monday, October 19, 2015

Mark the Date

Day- 39- Sun. 18/10/15- It is 5:32 in the morning and Mark the Date is in the making. According to No Man’s Land, our most recent reflection, yesterday, was Sat. 17/10/17. In this case we cannot prove that there is a Saturday, 17th October 2017 and for some reason we did not write what time it was. Therefore we would like to make a correction with the date of yesterday. Yesterday was October 18th 2015.

Mark the Date was a revelation that started on the 19th September 2015 when we first told Bencho that our journey as the President of ONEGUA has come to a dead end and therefore Tomas Sanchez and Lubara Huya has decided to resign and that we will make an announcement when the time comes.

Day- 40- Mon. 19/10/15- It is 6:16 in the morning and what a forty eight hours it has been, but it does not stop here. Here we are forty days later with a document in hand that can open our eyes. We believe that it is our duty to show the world that we are not alone. In this case as La Bugana we should take actions towards what we want La Buga to be.

Mark the Date has been a way of life for us, when a day is set aside, you become more aware of every move and every thought. Eight years ago around this time of the day Pa was still warm, his hearth had just stopped beating, and he had just stopped breathing.

Today, in more ways than one, we can hear his heart beating and we can feel his vibration, but it did stopped there, today our hearts are joining together.

A day later which was the 20th October 2007, we were in a workshop regarding Our Language. Please correct us if you can prove that the information is not accurate. Brother Salvador Suazo in those days was instrumental in the process.

Today we have access to ACUERO GUBERNATIVO NUMERO 583-86- Palacio Nacional Guatemala, 21 de Agosto de 1886.

On the other hand today is also a day set aside for us to share with you that as of today, Tomas Sanchez /Lúbara Huya will resign as the president of ONEGUA. We have come to a dead end and will go out on a limb and say this. ONEGUA HAS NOT FAILED US, WE HAVE FAILED ONEGUA.

So far we have shared 5,336 words with you on thirteen pages in forty days. We are blessed to be a part of your life.

Au- Le

Lúbara Huya.  

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